
Monday 22 June 2020

My Polymer Material Selection Online Course (Update #1)

In this blog post, I give you an update about my new online training course “polymer material selection”. 

What is my motivation for teaching such a topic? 

It is quite simple: failures arising from incorrect material selection and grade selection are persisting problems in different industries. 

There are almost 100 generic “families” of plastics and 1,000 sub-generic plastic types available at over 500 suppliers. 

How to know which is the optimal for your part? 

The end users are responsible to select the right polymer for the right purpose. 

 In this course, I will show you how to select polymers in a systematic way by using my polymer selection funnel method. 

We will go over the entire selection process, from how to establish part requirements, gather material data, and rank different polymers all the way to how to select a vendor after selecting the polymer. 

In this course we will cover: 
-How to prevent plastic part failure 
-How to outline product requirements 
-How to define material selection factors
-How to search for proper material data 
-How to create a decision matrix and weighting different polymers 
-How to set up prototype and part testing 
-How to select the optimal polymer material 
-How to select the optimal material vendor 

In a few hours, you will learn everything you need to select the optimal polymer material for your project, save thousands by preventing part failure, and will have fun in the process. 

Stay tuned – launch date is July 1st.

Thank you for reading!

Herwig Juster

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