
Sunday 3 January 2021

30 Publicly Traded Materials Stocks - 2020 Performance and Outlook

The eventful year 2020 is over and it is time to look how 30 publicly listed material companies have performed.

The “Corona-Crash” hit bottom in March 2020 (around 16-18th) and with it the S&P 500 Index dropped around 34%. Central banks in the USA and EU reacted fast and flushed the markets with money to stabilize the situation – with success!

The S&P 500 Index recovered in a V-shape in a month and most stocks rose again. Travel, leisure and oil kept a much slower recovery, since those sectors are still heavily impacted by the Corona Pandemic.

Overall materials performance

The Vanguard Materials ETF, which tracks the performance of a benchmark index that measures the investment return of stocks in the materials sector, closes with a 20% return in 2020.

30 material stock companies in detail

18 out of the 30 stocks could make gains for their shareholders (date of estimation: 02.01.2021).

This year, we will see a growth in resin demand. However material companies still feel the recession in the US and European markets. The plastics industry played a key part in battling the Covid-19 crises by supplying resins for various healthcare applications. This calmed the rage against plastics.

In the long-term, the plastics industry counts with a yearly polyolefin market growth of 3 to 4% per year, since the world population is growing and access to clean water over the piping systems is in high demand, as well as medical care products and electronics.

Thanks for reading and #findoutaboutplastics


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