
Monday 12 July 2021

Relative Comparison of Material Properties for Visible Part Applications (Polymer Material Selection Tool)

Today we discuss the use of relative comparison material data as a support tool in the polymer material selection of visible part applications.

A summary of the technical data of the most used polymers can be found in this post here.

There are many application cases where the parts are visible to us such as housings of household machines (coffee machine, fridges, and washing machines), exterior and interior parts in cars and other examples. In such cases, information on UV stability, weatherability, colorability, and paintability is needed. Such data play a key role during plastic material selection.

In the table below, a range of such properties are listed together with commonly used polymers such as ABS, PC and PP. It can be used during the design phase as a starting point. In the course of selection, the materials need further investigation with additional tests to approve the part suitability.

Table 1: relative comparison material data as a support tool in the polymer material selection of visible part applications

Thanks for reading and #findoutaboutplastics

Herwig Juster

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[1] Saechtling Kunststoff Taschenbuch

#HerwigJuster #Findoutaboutplastics

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