
Monday, 9 December 2024

Celebrating 10 Years - From 2014 till 2024

Hello and welcome to this special post: 10 years of

Herwig & his blog "", started in 2014, celebrating 10 years.

My first blog post

My blogger journey started ten years ago, exactly on October 6th, 2014 with this post: 

The Polymer Engineer - An interdisciplinary knowledge-worker (check out here)

In this post I explained what a polymer engineer is and especially what functions and industries they are active in. My second post was dealing with "Rules of Thumb" for designing injection moulded plastic parts. All five rules of thumb mentioned in the post are still valid today - check them out here

Plastics are part of the solution, and not the problem

A major guiding principle of the blog is: “Plastics are part of the solution, and not the problem” and the content of the posts reflects this guiding principle. The posts help people to understand better the benefits of plastics and their use in different applications. 

Often i come across statements like "..but plastics are bad for the environment", "...we should replace plastics to minimize waste", "..plastics take 1000 years to degrade", "..we have to ban plastic bags", and "... we eat the amount of a credit card (5 g) of microplastics per week". However, these statements are not backed by facts and scientific studies. They lead to plastics bashing which is not fair and must stop. 

In my post "Major Benefits of Plastics for the Environment And Society" I show in over 18 examples how plastics are helping us and protecting the environment. This post helps to reconsider the statements mentioned before and reduces the plastic bashing. 

Leading topics of

Throughout the ten years, the plastics community of grew and several main leading topics crystallized: 
- Polymer material selection and material selection examples, including metal to plastics conversion
- Design properties for engineers (incl. eco-design for sustainability in plastics) and Rules of Thumbs in polymer engineering
- Reviewing high performance polymers such as PolyArylAmide (PARA) and other high performance polymer polymers
-Leadership and strategy in plastics industry
-Online calculations tools such as the melt residence time calculator 
-Recycling of plastics and learning, why plastics are part of the solution and not part of the problem. 

Definitely a community milestone was the starting of the Pumping Plastics Newsletter in 2019 and having guest interviews on the platform. Yearly I publish my blog posts in a book called “Pumping Plastics - A journey through all my blog posts”.

Another milestone was the start of my Youtube channel, which contains long and short form videos, covering polymer engineering topics. 

Over 300 posts were published in the last 10 years, together with 3 books and 2 online courses. I am looking forward, together with all of you, to the next 10 years and the 20 year anniversary. 

Thank you to all my readers & supporters!

I would like to take this opportunity to express my thanks to my loyal readers, followers, and supporters. Highest appreciation and thankfulness belongs to them, with all the great discussions and exchanges in all these years!

I look forward to the next 10 years, with many captivating posts and the continuation of our success story of 

I would like to close this post with one of my favourite quotes:
"Without Natural Polymers, There is No Life; Without Synthetic Polymers, No Standard of Living" Prof. Dr. Hans Uwe Schenck

Greetings and #findoutaboutplastics

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